The EDTA Blood Collection Tube is used for Haematological investigation of Blood Samples collected by venipuncture. EDTA is known as EthyleneDiamine TetraAcetic Acid and is an in vitro AntiCoagulant. These are available in the Vacuum and Non Vacuum varieties manufactured from plastic known commonly as PET. These are identified by a Purple or Lavender Cap. They are available with the K2 EDTA or K3 EDTA anticoagulants.

What is EDTA Blood Collection Tube used for? After treated by EDTA, the plasma can be used to measure most proteins. Moreover, it facilitates the storing of genetic material through EDTA buffy coats, which is the interface between the red cells and the plasma after centrifugation.
What is the difference between K2 an K3 EDTA Tube?
An anticoagulant used in blood collection process | An alternative anticoagulant of K2 EDTA |
2 potassium ions | 3 potassium ions |
Dipotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid | Tripotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
Solution is dried in the interior surface of tubes | Solution come as a liquid in tubes |
How to know a clot when you see or feel one in an EDTA (purple top) venipuncture tube.

For Information on the EDTA Blood Collection Tube:

For Technical Specification of the EDTA Blood Tube:
Written by Amit Gupta – Pammvi Group of Companies