Plastic welding
We are representatives of Bak Company

Wedge welder type ProtOn WEDGE welding HDPE membrane

Hot air welding machine type ProtOn AIR welding overhead in a tunnel

ProtOn AIR

Wedge welder type ProtOn WEDGE welding radius

Wedge welder type ProtOn WEDGE welding HDPE membrane on a slope

Wedge welder type ProtOn WEDGE welding HDPE membrane closeup

Hot air welding machine type LarOn 21 welding TPO-membrane on a big roof

Hot air welding machine type LarOn 21 welding TPO-membrane on a roof

Hot air welding machine type ProtOn AIR welding in a tunnel

Wedge welder type ComOn welding 2mm HDPE-membrane on a slope

Welding tarpaulin membrane on a table with semi-automatic welding machine type MicOn

Hot air welding machine type LarOn 21 welding TPO-membrane on a roof close up

Wedge welder type MiOn welding a HDPE-membrane

Hot air welding machine type LarOn 21 welding TPO-membrane on a roof

Wedge welder type ComOn with recording system welding 2.5mm HDPE-membrane in land field

Wedge welder type ComOn welding 2.5mm HDPE membrane surface sealing

Wedge welder type ComOn welding 1.5mm HDPE-membrane in a water reservoir

Wedge welder type ComOn welding 2mm HDPE-membrane on a slope

Hot air tool type RiOn with tublar nozzle 5mm and speed welding nozzle 5.7mm by repair a PE-pipe

Hot air tool type RiOn with wide slot nozzle 40mm and pressure roller welding a TPO-membrane

Wedge welder type MiOn welding a PE-membrane for heap leaching

Wedge welder type MiOn by welding in a tunnel

Hot air tool type RiOn by tacking a badge in a land field

Hot air tool type MarOn connected with blower type SorOn welding connection piece in PVC coated fabrics

Hot air tool type RiOn Digital with draw-nozzle.

Hot air tool type RiOn Digital by tacking two sheets

Wedge welder type MiOn by welding in a tunnel

Effortless welding of a PP plate using the ExOn C3 hand extruder. The use of the lamp is also clearly visible here.

Welding a HDPE Pipe with the hand extruder ExOn C3

Hot air welding machine type LarOn 21 welding TPO-membrane on a roof

Hand extruder ExOn 1 welding HDPE-pipe

Hand extruder HS28 welding HDPE-connection piece

Hand extruder ExOn 6 welding HDPE-membrane in a land field

Hand extruder ExOn 2 repairing membrane

Hand extruder ExOn 1 repairing HDPE-net

Hand extruder ExOn 2 welding PP-tank

Heater type L62 heats up a mold

Hot air tool type MarOn welding profile

Blow nozzle drying caps on bottles.

Blow nozzle drying caps on bottles.

Four heaters type L62 activating glue

Heater type S36 mounted in packaging machine

Hot air blower type Compact shrinking bottles

Heater type S36 used in packaging industry