What is a Multi Drug Test Kit

Multi Drug Test Kit are also known as MultiPanel Drug Test. These are available both in the Urine and Saliva formats. Normally for Pathological Investigations the Urine based Test Kits are used whilst for DIY or self use, the Saliva based Test Kits are preferred.

The Common Opiates & Drugs tested are:
- Cocaine (COC)
- Propoxyphene (PPX)
- Cannabis (THC)
- Amphetamine (AMP)
- Morphine (MOR)
- Methadol (MTD)
- Methamphetamine (MET)
- Benzodiazepines (BZD)
- Oxycodone (OXY)
- Phenylcyclohexyl piperidine (PCP)
Source: https://www.alfascientific.com/products/multi-drug-urine-tests/
Multi Panel Drug Testing is now common place both for self use as well as for Commercial Establishments. For self use it is observed that urine tests are preferred however for Commercial Undertakings saliva tests are generally used due to the nature of the beast. Pathological Laboratories however use Urine Based Drug tests.
Commercial Establishments prefer that their employees take these Rapid Drug Tests for a variety of reasons.
- Curbing and monitoring any illegal activities on their work premises
- Controlling any work related accidents especially for Public Transport and Aviation Companies e.g. bus / train drivers & Pilots
- Reduction in employee turnover due to inappropriate conduct by the addicts
- Maintaining optimum level of professional performance.
- Reduced Absenteeism
- Adverse effect on the Company’s reputation in front of critical partners and associates e.g. banks, clients etc
Source: https://www.medinat.com.au/why-drug-test
Its quite common for parents and schools to monitor the children for addiction to narcotic substances. Using home tests for children is now a regular feature and most of these drug test kits are available Over the Counter without any medical prescription.
Written by Amit Gupta